Major-General Fortin Files Civil Lawsuit Against Government Actors

On March 15, 2023, Major-General Dany Fortin started a lawsuit against various Canadian political, government and military officials. The lawsuit seeks to address the grave harm and damage that has been inflicted on Major-General Fortin and his reputation because of the deliberate or negligent conduct of those that have been involved in decisions and processes in response to an unfounded sexual assault allegation against him.
Major-General Fortin regrets that he has been forced to start litigation in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice against the Canadian Armed Forces, an institution he has served loyally for over thirty years. He has sadly concluded that he has no other recourse to redress the injustices to which he has been subjected throughout the ordeal described in the Statement of Claim.
The Statement of Claim can be found here.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Thomas G. Conway or Abdalla Barqawi (English inquiries): /
Kevin Caron (French inquiries):