Sean Grassie

Sean maintains a broad litigation practice. Whatever the subject matter, he enjoys finding solutions to complex problems. Prior to joining Conway, Sean completed two clerkships: in 2021-22 for the Honourable Justice Suzanne Côté at the Supreme Court of Canada, and in 2020-21 for the Honourable Justices David M. Brown, David M. Paciocco, and Lorne Sossin at the Court of Appeal for Ontario. Before clerking, Sean articled in the litigation department at a leading national firm in Toronto.
Sean graduated summa cum laude from the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law. He also holds a master’s degree from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University. Sean received numerous prizes during his studies, including the Gilles G. Patry Award for his commitment to voluntary community service. As a student researcher, Sean appeared before the Canadian Radio-television Commission to advocate for stronger protections for consumers of telecommunications services.
Away from the office, Sean loves traveling the world. He is fine with sightseeing, but his trips revolve primarily around food. Closer to home, Sean plays basketball, tennis, and golf (the latter quite poorly). He’s still on a high from the Toronto Raptors 2019 NBA Championship, and sincerely (if naively) believes his hometown Ottawa Senators will win a cup in his lifetime.
- The Advocates’ Society
- County of Carleton Law Association
- Law Society of Ontario
- Canadian Bar Association
Professional Achievement and Community Involvement
Professional Achievement and Community Involvement
- 2021-Present -- Newcomer Career Mentor, Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (OCISO): supporting internationally educated professionals to obtain employment in their field.
- 2019: Osgoode Society Prize, uOttawa Faculty of Law
- 2019: Greg Ratushny Scholarship, uOttawa Faculty of Law
- 2019: Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa Award, uOttawa Faculty of Law
- 2018 and 2019: Roger Guindon Scholarship, uOttawa Faculty of Law
- 2018: Gilles G. Patry Student Engagement Award, uOttawa Faculty of Law
- “Canada and the Global Pact for the Environment: A Strategic Legal Analysis” (March 2019) 32:2 Journal of Environmental Law & Practice 207–241